18 September, 2011

Iran Nuclear Controversy

The nuclear program of Iran was launched in 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program. The encouragement of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the onslaught of 1979 Iranian Revolution which brought an end to Shah of Iran Regime. After the 1979 revolution, the Iranian government temporarily disbanded elements of the program, and then revived it with less Western assistance.

The Iran nuclear program was started with the motive of peaceful purpose but it had become a controversial issue because of its camouflaged intension of gaining nuclear power for militarial purpose for nukes and bombs, it was permissible under the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); there have been allegations that Iran has been illegally pursuing a nuclear weapons program, in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Under the leadership of the United States and of the European Union, the international community has requested the end of enrichment activities in Iran. The 118 member states of the Non-Aligned Movement however have backed Iran's right to acquire peaceful nuclear technology.

Iran's leadership states that they had made a goal of developing a nuclear program so that they can generate electricity without dipping into the oil supply and to provide fuel for medical reactors. Whereas The European governments had a terror that Iran could use this program to develop nuclear weapons such as bombs and nukes and thus American new administration had to live in terror. These uncertainties have been raised by the exposure, on August 2002, by Alireza Jafarzadeh, a famous associate of MKO.

United States also believes that Iran is planning a big event against them. Because of it, Iran had been accused by the United States of supporting extremist Islamic movements in the Middle East, and supplying militias and weapons. Iran has also directly made a strong speech towards Israel, including questioning the legitimacy of its existence. Because of these factors, tensions between some states and Iran have degenerated into an international crisis. The United States and Israel have refused to lift the nuclear embargo to stop the Iranian nuclear program, although they have always stressed that they consider the use of force as a last resort. The Islamic Revolutionary Mujahidin Organization has complained that Iran's drive to produce nuclear energy has endangered national security, the national interest and the destiny of the Iranian people.

The Security Council had ordered Iran to stop enrichment because the technology which is used to enrich uranium for nuclear power can also be used to enrich the higher level nuclear explosion. There are fears that Iran is either secretly planning to make a nuclear device or is at least acquiring the know-how so that one day it has the option of doing so.

However, Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran said that they don't need nuclear weapons, it's not a part of their programmers’ and plans and they believe that nuclear weapons are "a fire against humanity" and they fundamentally reject nuclear weapons. The UN has imposed four sets of sanctions, in Security Council resolutions 1737, 1747, 1803 and 1929. These seek to make it more difficult for Iran to acquire equipment, technology and finance to support its nuclear activities.
They ban the sale to Iran of materiel and technology related to nuclear enrichment and heavy-water activities and ballistic missile development, restrict dealings with certain Iranian banks and individuals, stop the sale of major arms systems to Iran (Russia has cancelled the sale of an anti-aircraft missile system) and allow some inspections of air and sea cargoes. However they do not stop the trade in oil and gas, the major source of Iran's income. The United States is pushing for more economic sanctions against Iran.


Iran is an "unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. national security", says Alireza Jafarzadeh According to me, Iran nuclear program is simply an argument and western created propaganda. Every country has a right to take steps to defend itself, in the manner it thinks fit and necessary. If Iran thinks that the country will be safe only with a nuclear deterrent, there should be no objection to that from any other country, including USA and Israel. If Pakistan and North Korea can go nuclear, why not Iran, Iran cannot be looking only at Israel. If USA can attack Iraq on dubious and unfounded grounds, what is the guarantee Iran may also not become a victim for one reason or other, whether justified or not? Those who oppose other countries from becoming nuclear, should first disarm their own weapon store and make the whole world nuclear free, rather than restricting others. Iranian nuclear program is peaceful obsession and US and Israel know that.
Apart from that, The United States is pushing for more economic sanctions against Iran. Which is wrong, the nuclear program is owned by the Iran country they have all the rights to use for there need. If this nuclear program states that they had made a goal of developing a nuclear program so that they can generate electricity without dipping into the oil supply and to provide fuel for medical reactors. They are not using it for the terror perspective and every country have rights to think about their bright future of their country. United States also believes that Iran is planning a big event against them. But US doesn’t have any evidence regarding the Iran that they will use for the nuclear weapons. or as per the President of Iran said that they don't need nuclear weapons, it's not a part of their programmers’ and plans and they believe that nuclear weapons are "a fire against humanity" and they fundamentally reject nuclear weapons. so there is no need to fear about the nuclear program because it’s for their better economy not for the terror .if USA have complete evidence about that so USA can take action about the program.

According to me, Israel is gathering evidence on the Iran nuclear program. When they have enough evidence to proof that Iran is building nuclear weapons, it will act accordingly.

And second thing is that, Zionism is nothing to do with religion it is a dangerous racist ideology like the 3rd Reich that believes in ethnic cleansing and making living space. Iranian nuclear program is peaceful and US and Israel know that. Iran is catalyzers for Islamic awaking and all is about Israel security.
According to me, Middle East should be dealt with newly made up policy with fresh and open mind, the scenario is changing after the Tunisian and Egyptian uprising. People have openly come against their political masters such as Hosni Mubarak to form a new government. The Israel is much more vulnerable ever before from the Egyptian border and have to think in term of solving Palestine problem with almost urgency or else this Egyptian revolution is going to much more fatal than Iranian nuclear program.

Aside from Gaza, the biggest policy crisis in the world is Iran and its nuclear program. Iran had managed to enrich uranium on a large scale to produce a nuclear weapon. Iran with the ability to produce one or more bombs poses a true danger for America and the Middle East. And thus America and the Middle East have to live with the threat. In this crisis, Israel or Iran may be tempted to use nuclear weapons out of fear the other might do the same. There is also the chance other countries such as Egypt or Saudi Arabia may develop or acquire such nuclear weapons too. The United States could reduce these risks by providing missile defense and security guarantees to selective countries, but it is far from clear it would succeed. Moreover, nuclear propagation is not the only danger if Iran proceeds with its nuclear efforts.

What Iran does directly and through such groups as Hezbollah and Hamas will continue to have a major and mostly adverse effect on the future of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine. Iran is one of the Middle East's most powerful countries. A nuclear Iran would probably act more aggressively, believing its nuclear capability afforded it considerable protection. A second policy option would be for the US, Israel or both to attack Iran's known nuclear installations. Such a pre-emptive attack would destroy some or even most of Iran's nuclear facilities and materials. But some capability would probably survive, and the program could be rebuilt in a manner that would make a second attack much more difficult. There would be serious consequences before then. Iran could be expected to retaliate by attacking US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, unleashing terrorist attacks throughout the region and the world, and interrupting the flow of tanker traffic through the Strait of Hormuz. The last thing the world economy needs is a $200 barrel of oil, but this could be the result. Both options - living with a nuclear Iran or attacking it - involve serious risks and costs. The best outcome would be one in which Iran was persuaded to freeze or suspend its nuclear efforts or, better yet, give up an independent capability to enrich uranium. It could be allowed a symbolic "right" to enrich, but any enrichment program would have to be so small as not to pose a strategic threat. The country would also need to be subject to intrusive inspections.

US always say that Iran is a bigger threat for their country bur according to me; North Korea poses a more significant threat to US nat. security than Iran.
Although North Korea and Iran are stunningly similar nations, strong sponsorship of Middle Eastern insurgencies by Iran and its probability to act irrationally while armed with nuclear weapons make Iran a far graver national security threat than North Korea. It is because of this that I negate the resolution.